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Products & Services

Revolutionizing geohazard and geo-asset management

The Cambio platform can be applied to critical infrastructure and mining, transforming earth science data into actionable insights for risk-informed decisions.

It streamlines data collection and analysis, enhances communication, and provides automated monitoring, leading to far better results.

Cambio for Critical Infrastructure

As a secure, cloud-based software solution, Cambio enables you to digitally transform your geohazard and geo-asset management programs. Geohazards threaten the integrity of critical infrastructure across the globe. Pipelines, railways, roads, highways, dams, levees and other assets are increasingly at risk due to changing climate patterns.

Cambio turns critical earth science data into actionable insights to help you make quicker, risk-informed decisions with a significant boost in overall productivity.

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Building climate resilience

  • 500,000+ geohazards under management
  • 5X reduction in pipeline failures due to geohazards
  • Cambio-based ratings, inspections, and monitoring drive regulatory compliance
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Cambio for Mining

At the mine site and in the office, your geotechnical, operational, and environmental teams face many new challenges and growing demands. Across the mine life cycle, there are new data sources, tighter operating controls, increased stakeholder engagement, and stricter regulatory oversight and standards conformance.

The Cambio platform helps you digitally transform the management of tailings storage facilities, open pit hazards, and critical mine infrastructure. It streamlines data collection and analysis, improves communication, and offers automated monitoring to support risk-informed decision making. Boosting your team’s productivity amid rising demands.

Mining Cambio
Cambio Industries Mining

Driving standards conformance

  • Scalable, secure digital knowledge base
  • Near real-time data, analysis and visualization
  • Tailored for site-specific tailings management
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Data & Analytics Services

Cambio Earth Systems provides a portfolio of cloud services accessed through Cambio or integrated with your existing platforms and tools.

Contact us for more information on these products and services

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